My Fitness Journey

Mac Hooper
In Fitness And In Health
2 min readApr 20, 2020

I have had an active job since I was 18, working in pubs meant I was on my feet all day, walking up and down stairs and due to being a bartender carrying boxes and baskets full of bottles, however I was never truly into fitness. After leaving a pub job in 2017 I started doing bodyweight fitness you know push ups, situps, and things like that I also started running particularly to Disturbed’s Album Indestructible, not sure why I chose that but it made running in the evening due to anxiety with my baggy shorts and iPod Classic a lot more enjoyable. I joined a gym briefly but was in between jobs so I switched back to bodyweight fitness, running and walking the dog.

I kept the bodyweight fitness and running up on and off for a year and then got a skateboard and that’s when I wanted to get fitter, I kicked my bodyweight fitness up a gear, stopped running and just skated every single day. Not long after I picked up some weights that could be used as two dumbbells or stuck together to make a bar and used those for a while. I then moved onto the gym now that I could afford it, this is when I started bulking and learning to lift weights, but I continued to run 1 to 2 days a week, managed to get my 5k time down to 20 minutes.

I’m still relatively skinny, but have managed to sort out some half decent muscles for myself now and feel generally more comfortable in my day to life.

Back out of the gym I am focusing on light upper bodyweight fitness to maintain my arms, and mostly leg and core workouts. This coupled with running in the morning and skating in the evening I am feeling much better than I used to.

