My Husband Lost 4 Pounds of Pure Fat in 28 Days With Tim Ferriss’s S.C. Diet — Here’s What He Did

A comprehensive overview of his journey, lessons learned, results, and best practices

Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health


Man eating delicious meat at table. What happens when you follow Tim Ferris’s Slow Carb Diet? What is the slow-carb diet? How to do the slow-carb diet?
Photo by Michael Burrows on Pexels

“Can you help me lose this?” my husband asked as he grabbed his belly pooch.

We were writing our New Year’s resolutions, a yearly tradition, and since my husband knows I’ve been researching everything related to health and fitness for years — and have even achieved a lean, athletic physique — he reached out for help.

“I have an idea,” I replied.

After reading Tim Ferriss’s bestselling book, the 4-Hour Body, I’d been tempted to try his famous slow-carb diet, but I didn’t feel I was the right candidate.

Left (physique in 2024). Right (Fat % measured with my gym’s InBody scale). [Images by author]

As you can see, I’m already lean, so I didn’t want to risk facing hormonal issues by following a rapid fat-loss program.

Enter my husband.

Though he’s also thin and, most importantly, healthy, he could still lose some fat, as evidenced by his “Michelin” (his words, not mine). This made him the perfect guinea pig.



Alexa V.S.
In Fitness And In Health

Certified INFJ. Health & Fitness enthusiast. Fellow writer.