Nutritional Yeast — For Your Digestive Needs and Health Goals
What does it do? Why is it good for you?
Nutritional Yeast for a Healthy Gut & Digestion
Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast that is grown in a sugar and mineral mixture. It provides a nutty and savory flavor to many foods including breads, pizza dough, salads and pasta.
The yeast has been shown to be an excellent nutritional supplement with B-vitamins, minerals, selenium, zinc, protein and fiber. The benefits of nutritional yeast are vast.
It can help keep digestive problems under control by balancing the bacteria in your stomach or improve your cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol levels.
Nutritional yeast also tastes good!
Nutritional Yeast:
Used As Cheese Substitute For Vegans:
The nutritional yeast is not just an excellent substitute to cheese. They are also a great source for vegan protein.
People who are vegan or vegetarian rely on nutritional yeast to get their essential nutrients. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to be vegan to benefit from this supplement.
What is Nutritional Yeast?
What are the Benefits of Adding it to Your Diet?
Nutritional yeast is a great source of Vitamin B and protein. It can be added to foods as a flavor enhancer as well as sprinkled over popcorn or vegetables for additional flavor.
Nutritional yeast is a form of living yeast that
has been harvested and dried until it reaches
the taste and texture of table salt.
It is rich in protein, Vitamin B, and other nutrients and can be added to foods like soups, stews, salad dressings, popcorn, vegetables or just about anything for an extra burst of flavor.
Nutritional Yeast — Adds Flavor In
Many Delicious Dishes
Nutritional yeast is a deactivated form of yeast that has had its cell walls removed. It is often used to add a cheese-like flavor to dishes, but can also be used in cooking — especially for vegan dishes.
Nutritional yeast can be found in most grocery stores or health food stores in the form of flakes, powder, or paste. Some people also choose to make their own at home by culturing it from grains with brewer’s yeast.
It adds a flavor similar to cheeses like cheddar, parmesan, and Swiss cheese when sprinkled on top of vegetarian dishes or when mixed into sauces that are then added to the dish.
Final Thoughts:
Nutritional Yeast: For A Healthy Gut And Better Digestion
It’s important to make sure that we’re getting all of our nutrients and minerals and not just eating junk food and unhealthy snacks.
Nutritional yeast is made from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungus. It can be found in either powder or flakes form and it is usually yellowish, but it can vary in color depending on the type of nutritional yeast.
Nutritional yeast is one way we can make sure we’re getting all of our nutrients because it has a lot of B-vitamins which help with digestion and help you feel less bloated after eating a meal.