One Key Difference Between Fit and Unfit People That’s Scarcely Talked About

It’s not about exercise, dieting, calories, or sleep

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readDec 30, 2021


A shirtless white-haired man with a shredded physique standing by the beach
Photo by Taylor Harding on Unsplash

“Dang! Looks like we missed the special dinner,” I curse as we step off the bus. “The usual crap only, let’s order out,” he replies as we flash our IDs at the campus gates.

Amidst the garish sea of bustling students and glittering lanterns, two hobbling dudes in sweatshirts and clinky gym bags must have been an odd sight.

But a festival day or not, the gym was a non-negotiable for us — even if it meant 5 km in an overflowing stinky bus and a large bribe for the gym’s owner.

Post a steamy shower, as we munch into our steamier shawarma rolls, we mirthfully discuss the day’s workout.

Are you guys for real? You missed the rad festivities, especially the Dandiya”, our wingmates with their drenched pajamas burst in.

“But not the workout”, we grin in unison.

Summer or winter. Holiday or vacation. Exams or assignments. Cold or lazy. Early morning or late evening. Gym, the park, or our hostel rooms — no matter what, we didn’t skip our workouts.

The guys who used to bombard us with, “How are you guys so jacked? “How to get bigger

