One Unconventional (But Simple) Way To Add More Movement To Your Lifestyle

No gym required

Nicole Cooper
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Getty Images on Unsplash

Over the years, modern conveniences have made life much easier for us. In reverse, it has also made it much harder for us to live healthier lifestyles. Car-centered societies, elevators, escalators, online shopping, food and grocery delivery services, the overabundance of prepackaged foods, white-collar jobs, and other non-physical forms of labor made us move our bodies significantly less. It is now to the point where one needs to schedule time out of their busy day to move for an hour.

But what if that is not enough?

Think about it. There are 24 hours in a day, and the average person is awake for 16–18 of those hours. Let’s say a person lives in a car-centered culture like most of the United States and Canada, works an 8-hour office job, exercises for 60 minutes at the gym after work, drives home to sit and eat dinner, and spends the rest of their waking hours watching Netflix or scrolling on social media while sitting on the couch until it’s time to get ready for bed, goes to sleep for 8 hours. Of those 16 hours awake, this person only spent 1 hour being active. That’s only 6% of their day while the remaining 94% was spent being inactive, and likely sitting in the same position. That drops to 5.5% if a person is awake for 18 hours in a day…



Nicole Cooper
In Fitness And In Health

Self-reflections, sports, fitness, health, travel, living abroad and social commentary that may come with a splash of contrarianism. Twitter & IG @_nicolecoop