One Yoga Exercise You Should Practice for Mindfulness

No need for fancy yoga exercise stuff

Maryam Merchant
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Legs up the Wall

Legs up the wall is one of the most calming and nourishing poses for the mind and the body.

It is called Viparita Karani in Sanskrit. I started practicing this pose and it has changed my life in a good way. I do it for 10 minutes a day. It’s best to do for 5–15 minutes a day.

You won’t need any fancy stuff. Just wear comfortable clothes, which suits you. You can do it anywhere. Do it at your bedtime or when you travel or in the morning.

It’s the best yoga exercise if you are feeling high in stress and have low energy. This will recharge your inner battery back and it’s definitely healthy for your reproductive life cycle.

Steps for — Legs up the wall

  1. Pick a comfortable position near a wall.
  2. Lie back and put a pillow or soft blanket under your lower back (Even you can do it without a pillow or blanket).
  3. Lift your legs up and stretch along the wall.
  4. Pick a comfortable position for yourself. You can even slide a little away from the wall.
  5. Either you can touch your hips to the wall or have a little…



Maryam Merchant
In Fitness And In Health

Data Scientist | Love to write | Family First | Lot to learn from life | Taking one step at a time