Protein Shake Recipes For Post-Workout Cravings

Tess DiNapoli
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readMar 25, 2021

Shakes and smoothies are great ways to get all of the nutrients you need quickly and easily. When you make them right, they can provide everything you need in one go, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and more. In one convenient package, you can even get your daily serving of fruits and vegetables! While there are endless flavor combinations, you still want to make sure your shake is best for your body’s needs. For a post-workout smoothie that rehydrates your body and replenishes your energy, you should check out these top protein recipes today!

Strawberries & Cream

Getting enough protein in your shake is critical for an after-workout recovery drink. To ensure protein is your number one priority, use protein powder in this strawberries and cream shake to pump up the power. For this smoothie, you’ll need a portable blender to blend all the ingredients together.


● 1 Serving of Your Preferred Protein Powder

● 1 Cup of Your Favorite Type of Milk

● 1/4 Cup Coconut Yogurt

● 1 Cup of Strawberries

● 1 Tablespoon Maple Syrup

This is one of the easiest smoothies out there. The hardest part is probably cutting the tops of the strawberries! Once everything is cut and measured, combine all the ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth.

Kratom Powder Smoothie

There are nutrients other than protein that can help you with workout recovery. One of these is red vein kratom powder. Kratom powder has been proven to elevate your mood and enhance your workout recovery. For a chocolatey finish to your workout, try this smoothie:


● 2 Teaspoons Kratom Powder

● 2 Teaspoons Cocoa Powder

● 2 Teaspoons Honey

● 1 Cup Frozen Blueberries

● 1 Cup of Your Favorite Milk

● 1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

● Dash of Ground Nutmeg

● Dash of Cinnamon

If you’re worried about how the kratom will taste, the spices and cocoa powder are there to completely disguise the flavor. However, many people report that red kratom has a leafy, herbal flavor that they love.

After you blend all these ingredients together, you may notice a few lumps here or there. For a silky smooth drink, you should strain this smoothie into a glass before drinking.

No Protein Powder Smoothie

Not everyone has or likes protein powder in their shakes and smoothies, and that’s OK! If you’re looking for a powder-free drink to carry you through the day post-workout, check out this delicious peanut butter and banana blend:


● 1/3 Cup of Almond Milk

● 2 Tablespoons of Almond Yogurt

● 1 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter

● A Handful of Spinach

● 1 Frozen Banana

Place all of the ingredients in a blender together and blend them until they’re smooth. If you’re noticing that the smoothie is a bit thick because of the peanut butter or banana, you can always add a little more almond milk to smooth it out.

The reason this post-workout shake is packed with protein is due to the almonds. Just 24 almonds have over six grams of protein! Your handful of spinach also adds a bit of protein, but it’s mostly there for vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, fiber, thiamine, potassium, and vitamin K.

How Much Protein Should Your Shake Have?

Your nutrition is a very personalized experience. Because every person is a different size and has a unique muscle, bone, and fat ratio, your needs will be specific to you. Most nutritionists recommend 0.36 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight for someone who lives a sedentary lifestyle. If you’re looking to gain muscle, you want your daily protein intake to be closer to one gram of protein per pound of body weight.

As for how much protein to put in your shake, consider the purpose of the drink. Is it replacing a meal? Then you need to make sure that you have between a quarter and a third of your daily protein intake inside. Are you just drinking this shake as a snack? You can aim for about 10% of your daily protein intake instead.

Start Shaking!

With these delicious protein smoothies on hand to give you a post-workout boost, now all you have to worry about is finding the perfect workout outfit! Test out each of these protein shakes and discover your favorite flavor combinations! Are you feeling inspired to try out your own recipe? Go for it and share your results.

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Tess DiNapoli
In Fitness And In Health

Tess DiNapoli is an artist, freelance writer, and content strategist. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about fitness & wellness, as well as fashion.