Pull Ups vs Pull Downs: Which Builds A More Muscular Back?

Philip James
In Fitness And In Health
2 min readJan 23, 2022


Photo Credit:Burst Royalty Free Photos

No one does pull ups anymore. And if they do, it’s typically some quarter range of motion nonsense that is comical. I doubt that everyone else knows something that you and I don’t, you see, pull ups work fantastically but why are they doing pull downs so much then?

The main difference between pull ups and pull downs is the mechanical advantage of the pull down. Pull downs and their variations place more mechanical tension on your lats since the tension is constant through the range of motion. There’s more momentum used in a pull up which places more tension on your biceps and shoulders.


Pull Ups are difficult

That’s the main reason that many folks shy away from performing them at all. Gyms make it easy with adjusted weight machines but largely those are ignored. Randomly you’ll find someone who brings their bands to add assistance or a gym will have those bands but short of that, there’s no way to add extra help. Pull ups are fantastic in their progressions and provide favorable gains in your overall back mass, biceps, forearms and shoulders.

Pull ups make you a stronger person

As stated above, they are challenging but pull ups also increase your overall strength. Getting stronger at your body weight…

