Really Short Breaks from Sitting Yield Big Mental and Physical Benefits

Just a few minutes of walking improves mood, energy level and physical health markers, new research finds

Robert Roy Britt
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readJan 12, 2023


Image: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

When I’m really busy, I might sit on my butt in front of the computer for hours at a time. But most days I’ll take a good, long exercise break, spending an hour or more running, biking, doing yoga or working out at the gym. Seems like a good balance. Apparently not, however.

I often ignore an important aspect of physical activity, and you might want to sit up and take notice of it, too:

Several studies have documented the ill effects of prolonged sitting: It raises the risk of obesity, heart disease and a range of other chronic diseases. Yet an emerging body of research reveals we can counter these effects, and be sharper of mind, by taking frequent breaks during the day, to walk around or otherwise move the body.

Exercise “snacks” throughout the day — as little as a few minutes of walking or more intense stair-climbing, for example — add up to better physical and mental health. Also, frequent “microbreaks” from concentration, of around 10 minutes, one recent study found, reduce fatigue, increase vigor and boost performance.



Robert Roy Britt
In Fitness And In Health

Editor of Aha! and Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: