Rethinking Your Relationship With Alcohol
Without being a buzzkill
If you’re reading this, perhaps you are a like-minded person who believes that alcohol should be used sparingly, or even not at all.
Perhaps you expect me to be a buzzkill and you’re skeptical of what I have to say. Or maybe you don’t have strong feelings either way but the topic has piqued your interest.
Whatever the case may be, this article is for you.
Do I have opinions about the “best” relationship to have with alcohol? Absolutely. Are there rules of thumb that I think are ideal for most people to follow? Definitely.
But I’m not advocating for a one-size-fits-all approach to drinking. First and foremost, I respect everyone’s right and ability to make decisions for themselves whether I agree with them or not. Secondly, I acknowledge that each person has a unique set of circumstances shaping their relationship with alcohol.
My aim is to share practical suggestions to help you make informed decisions.
Considering the potential for significant consequences, one’s relationship to alcohol should be an intentional choice rather than an accident of habit.
I will share some of my experiences as examples, but my hope is that you will conduct your own…