Runners, Do You Need Orthotics?

How to assess if corrective inserts are for you

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Snapwire on Pexels

There it is again. That pain on the arch of your foot. That twinge along your heel. That ache on the outside of your knee. That tightness in your lower back. Every step forward reminds you something isn’t quite right.

“But why?” you ask. “I’m warmed up. I’m on top of my strength exercises and stretches. I’m foam rolling after each workout. What gives?”

You’ve most likely encountered a biomechanical issue. It’s the nature of the activity. Flaws in your form not only become glaringly obvious as the miles tick by, but often lead to nagging overuse injuries that if not addressed, can become chronic.

And even with good form, certain genetic conditions could be contributing to your pain. Think flat feet, high arches and knob knees. Thanks mom and dad.

So what can we do about it? It’s a relatively straightforward process to correct problems with form, but you can’t exactly do anything about the structure of your knees and feet.

Orthotics may be the answer.

Orthotics are defined as “any device, appliance or apparatus used to support, align, prevent deformities or improve the function of the foot.” Essentially, tools to facilitate proper form and function of your feet.

