Should You Drink Cow’s Milk? Here’s the Plain Answer

Corn flakes’ lives are at stake.

Alix A.
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I add a splash of milk to each of my three daily cups of coffee. Milk is a recurring part of my diet. I consume it in my mother’s pancakes or in the yogurts I eat with my muesli in the morning. I even remember a short period in my early teens when I got into the habit of drinking a glass of milk every night before going to bed because I thought it was good for my health.

Cow’s milk is part of our food culture. It can be bought easily almost anywhere in the world. But it increasingly divides opinions.

I reduced my consumption when I was told I had to, but the truth is that I never really knew why. I finally decided to find out the truth. And I thought you might want to know what comes out of it.

This article has been compiled from a variety of sources, from various countries, excluding pro-milk (such as the dairy industry) and pro-vegan publications, both of which cannot be considered as objective sources.

I have tried to be as impartial as possible. My comments are based on scientific sources. One problem remains: many studies try to prove this or that, but as it is impossible to force a group of human beings to consume milk exclusively for a period of time, the studies are necessarily biased…

