Simple and Sustainable Lifestyle Changes Can Deliver Surprising Results

Significant results can be surprisingly easy to achieve

Toby Hazlewood
In Fitness And In Health


My new year began like many others before — with me feeling a sense of optimism for the fresh start and a simultaneous relief that I could finally get back to healthy living again. Christmas had been enjoyable and as over-indulgent as ever.

I make it sound as though I’d been coerced into over-eating and over-drinking during the holidays. In reality, I had my usual annual downfall into dietary abandonment and over-indulgence that began in late October.

For many years I’ve managed a solid 9-months of healthy living. Once Christmas approaches, I’ve typically lost my resolve and my commitment wobbles. This year, in spite of best intentions not to allow the pattern to repeat itself, I found myself doing the same. Again.

In my defence Covid-19 and its associated lockdowns and restrictions were easier to cope with during the spring and summer months, when it was a joy to be outside exercising. We also lost my father-in-law to cancer in October, and the effects of his passing were difficult to manage for us all.

My alcohol consumption escalated — not to a catastrophic extent but I found myself having a couple of beers most evenings rather…



Toby Hazlewood
In Fitness And In Health

A writer, dad and husband sharing his thoughts, wins and losses to help and inspire others.