Simple Strategies For Applying Progressive Overload to Your Programs

A practical guide to managing your load progressions to gain strength and muscle.

Dylan Dacosta
In Fitness And In Health


When it comes to strength training, it’s easy to get caught up in the fads. It’s easy to fall for that new training style that will be the secret to maximizing your gains. It’s all too easy to buy the dream that the topless jacked guy is selling you during a youtube ad.

If you felt attacked by that first paragraph, don’t. I’ve most likely fell for this stuff more than you have in all honesty. I mean, I’ve been chasin’ gains since I was 14 years old, doing chin ups on the angled tree branch in my front yard. So it’s safe to say, I’ve fell for all of the fads over the years.

One thing I wish I was taught back then, was some basic principles. Two come to mind immediately:

  • Energy balance
  • Progressive overload

I honestly think if most folks knew these two principles better, we’d all be a lot more bullshit-proofed when it comes to falling for fitness marketing propped up by needles of truth, within in haystacks of misleading sales tactics and well marketed ignorance.

The second principle is the one I’m going to be talking about today.



Dylan Dacosta
In Fitness And In Health

I am a personal trainer and online coach from Toronto, Ontario. If you like my writing, check out my website!