Snoring Can Be a Worrying Sign

You snooze, you lose. You snore… you should fix it, and get checked for sleep apnea.

Amelia Devall
In Fitness And In Health


Photo created by wayhomestudio — — Altered by the author in Canva

With about 57% of men, 40% of women, and 10–12% of children snoring out there, no wonder we take it very lightly.

What usually bothers us about it is when others snore and perturb our sleep. However, snoring is also a symptom that can indicate a more serious underlying medical condition and as such should not be ignored.

Over 21 million Americans have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and, while more common after turning 40, it affects people of all ages. This estimate is based on about 80% of moderate and severe cases being undiagnosed!

So, are you in trouble or is it just a snore?

Apnea means your breathing is interrupted, sometimes as often as 400 times a night. This leads to extreme fatigue, which is pretty much… life-threatening. Think of car accidents, job-related injuries, strokes, and heart attacks. It is serious and it is a big deal. It also takes a doctor to diagnose it and prescribe adequate treatment.

“Fun” FactMy best friend even brought up divorcing because of her husband snoring. She couldn’t rest properly at night, even with earplugs, and this was taking a toll on her mood, her health…



Amelia Devall
In Fitness And In Health

Freelance copywriter, translator, cat lover. Anxiety & depression fighter. Couch potato. Poet. Joker.