Start Sleeping Better with Advice from These 3 Sleep Research Experts

Counting sheep isn’t one of them

Patricia Haddock
In Fitness And In Health


Start Sleeping Better with These 3 Ideas from Sleep Research Counting sheep isn’t one of them
Photo by Sam Carter on Unsplash

Did you pull all-nighters in school cramming for exams? Maybe you let that report slide too close to the deadline, or you're rehearsing how to ask for a raise. Whatever the reason, most people have gone a night or 2 (or 3) without getting enough sleep or no sleep at all.

While it’s possible to go a few days without enough sleep, eventually, sleep deprivation catches up to you, and payback can be a bitch. According to the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, “Impairments due to sleep deprivation are similar to impairments due to alcohol intoxication!”

Research shows that approximately 30 percent of the population is sleep deprived, and you don’t have to go without sleep for days to feel the effects. Losing only 2 hours of sleep negatively affects your mood and overall health. Prolonged sleep deficits compound the problem and create a dangerous sleep deficit that may lead to long-term physical, neurological, and psychological problems.

So, what can you do when sleep refuses to arrive on demand? Here are 3 pieces of expert advice for ensuring a good night’s sleep and feeling refreshed and ready to go in the morning.

Learn to control your thinking



Patricia Haddock
In Fitness And In Health

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. &