Starting my Fitness Journey in France

The hardest part was giving up French pastries

Tammy G
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readOct 25, 2021


Photo taken by Fotorech from Pixabay

The Background

In 2009, I arrived in France for a 6-month study placement as part of my degree in the beautiful city of Grenoble.

I’d moved to England to pursue my undergraduate studies. It was my first time to the country and I quickly fell in love with it all. I enjoyed experiencing things I had only read about like snow and it was fun to see street names I recognised from Monopoly.

As I began to immerse myself in British culture & cuisine, I discovered lots of new treats and desserts that I had to try once or so I was told. Once became too many times as I indulged my sweet tooth and by the end of 2008 I found myself at my heaviest weight.

Fast forward to Grenoble; I had become increasingly upset about my weight gain and how my clothes were fitting or to be more accurate, not fitting. I knew something had to change. I had read a few fitness magazines near the end of my second year and had attempted some workouts here and there but I hadn’t stuck with them.

The Decision

This time was different though. Walking through a plaza in the city, it hit me that I was responsible for my weight gain and my unhealthy lifestyle and I was the one with the power to change and make my lifestyle a healthier one. I realized that if this goal was truly important to me, I would do what was required to achieve it although at the time I wasn’t sure exactly what that would look like.

The Plan

I chose to start simple and try jogging in the mornings. I first started by jogging in place in my room. I thought it would be a good idea to get into the flow of things before venturing out in public. When I built up a bit more confidence, I headed out early in the morning into the streets in Grenoble.

My plan that first morning was to jog a loop around a few blocks near my apartment. Suffice to say, my jogging attempt lasted a pitiful amount of time. I then spent the rest of time walking and struggling to catch my breath. As exhausting as that first outdoor attempt was, I realized that I felt better after the exercise. I therefore made a plan to jog regularly in the coming weeks, committed to it and thus a routine was formed.

A month or so later, I relocated to another part of the city and had to adjust my jogging route to my new surroundings. During that first week at the new apartment, I took a walk around the new area to find a new loop to jog. In my walk, I discovered a park nearby and decided to add an evening walk to support my weight loss efforts.

The Struggle

By this time, I had researched nutrition online as I worked to improve my diet. I made the incredibly difficult decision to cut out French pastries such as pains au chocolat, eclairs, macarons etc as I prioritized my health. That was certainly the most difficult challenge of living out this weight-loss journey in France for me.

With patisseries on almost every block, it was so convenient to pop in and order a yummy treat on my way to or from school. In my experience, no one makes desserts like the French.

The Results

As the weight began to come off, it made the decision easier as time went on. I was pleased when I started to notice that my clothes were beginning to fit loosely, evidence that my jogging and walking were paying off!

An unexpected benefit was discovering another side of life in Grenoble as I experienced the city in the wee hours of the morning before the hustle & bustle of the day.

There were memorable moments too and one in particular stands out. I’m still not quite sure how I managed it but on my jog one morning, I tripped near the edge of the pavement. That forward motion became a summersault that ended with me on my butt on the pedestrian crossing. Thankfully, due to the early hour, there were no witnesses (that I saw at least).

It was bittersweet to leave Grenoble in the summer, the place where I started my fitness journey. From that pitiful first attempt at jogging in the streets, then gradually working my way up to become a confident jogger and more importantly a fitter and healthier version of myself. I also became a better ice skater in Grenoble.

The Lessons

I learnt the importance of responsibility, commitment, discipline, consistency, and perseverance. I knew that jogging would change me physically but I underestimated the role it would play in my life mentally & emotionally as I sought to become healthy. I left Grenoble on a very different path from the one that I arrived on and for that, this city will have a special place in my heart.

The Present

Now over a decade later, looking back I can truly appreciate how life-changing those months in Grenoble were to where I am now on my fitness journey. They give me confidence knowing what I achieved on my own in a new city.

I don’t jog as often now as I have found other activities and workouts I prefer. So far, I’ve tried weight lifting, martial arts, swimming and aerial silks. I’m also a proud graduate of Beachbody’s Insanity programme, considered to be one of the hardest cardio programmes.

I know the experience of giving up French pastries was the stepping-stone for me to successfully complete multiple day sugar-free challenges.

To this day when I am struggling physically, I lean into the memories of my time in Grenoble. I remember what I accomplished during my time there and that gives me the motivation I need to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

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Tammy G
In Fitness And In Health

Lifelong learner with a passion for reading & a desire to help others. Current pursuits include writing, web & UX design, travelling & volunteering.