Stop Letting Hustle Culture Brainwash You

Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity

Devin Arrigo
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Hustle culture has you brainwashed.

Now more than ever, people are obsessed with “the grind.” The more you work, the bigger your supposed success. It’s laughable to think that someone can work all day without any time off. Contrary to popular belief, taking a break will not harm your long-term success. When it comes to relaxation, hustle culture severely overlooks the importance of vision.

Long-term vision significantly reduces the impact of time off.

Short term vision is deceiving.

In the short term, taking a break will significantly impact your productivity.

Let’s say you take a week off from writing online. In the context of one month, you’ll be working three out of four weeks or 75% of the available time.

Conversely, taking a long-term outlook will significantly reduce the impact of your time away from work. When viewed from the perspective of a full year, the same week-long vacation has you working more than 98% of the time. By expanding your vision, the impact of your vacation is significantly reduced. A long-term vision allows you to take more breaks with less harm to productivity.



Devin Arrigo
In Fitness And In Health

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