Sugar Is Killing Your Sense Of Taste

How to make vegetables taste great again!

Paul Brooks
In Fitness And In Health


When I started eating a paleo diet, I greatly reduced the number of sweet treats I was eating — fewer sweet snacks, desserts, and unhealthy sides.

One of the results was that just about everything started to taste sweeter.

It’s a lot easier to eat more vegetables when they actually taste sweet!

Relatively sweet

How sweet something tastes to you is very relative — it depends how sweet your typical diet is. If you rarely eat very sweet foods, then even the smallest amount of sugar in food will seem very sweet. Conversely, if you often eat lots of sweet foods, you’ll struggle to detect the small amounts of sugar in many healthy options.

Making vegetables taste great again

What surprised me most was how sweet vegetables started to taste, once I’d excluded refined sugar from my diet. Without chocolate, breakfast cereals and sugary drinks setting the standard, my taste buds began to pick up on natural sugars in things like peas, onions and carrots.

Vegetables are typically low in sugar, but there’s enough in there to be tasted if your senses aren’t dulled by foods with higher levels.



Paul Brooks
In Fitness And In Health

Obsessed with primal health, nutrition and fitness, I live, research and write about things that can help us live/move/smile more/better/longer.