Take a Break — Don’t Stress Out!

Life is hard! You will need to survive amid the hustle. But get yourself together, don’t stress out!

Blessing Unukpo
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readOct 17, 2022


Photo credit: Image on Canva

There’s no denying that stress has become a norm in today’s world. You will need to struggle to get a job (even multiple jobs) that puts food on your table and pays your bills.

Some people have gotten used to this norm called “stress”. Some others find it extremely difficult to cope with it. It seems like a burden put on their shoulders that’s so heavy to carry.

Dear reader, are you one of them?

If you don’t manage stress properly, there are consequences attached. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (also known as CDC), stress has negative effects such as:

  • body pains, headaches, and physical reactions are likely to occur
  • mental and chronic health conditions worsen
  • decisions making and concentration on tasks become so difficult to do
  • mood swings such as frustration, sadness, and anger come up
  • your interests and desires are likely to experience changes
  • you result in increasing your intake of alcohol and drugs

But is all hope lost? Isn’t there anything that can be done to manage this norm called stress?

Dear reader, according to research, below are some suggestions that can help you cope with this norm called stress:

A good work-life balance can help you

Do you have a good work-life balance? Do you know that you can reduce work-related stress when you have a good work-life balance?

How so?

Research has shown that a good work-life balance will help you work productively while still maintaining your health and general well-being.

Limit the intake of alcohol

Rather than resort to alcohol intake when you are stressed, eat well-nourished foods and vegetables. It’s advisable to limit saturated fats, salt, sugars, and cholesterol foods. Drink enough safe daily water.

According to research, when you drink alcohol, you may feel relaxed. But the tolerance to the de-stressing effects of alcohol intake can make anxiety and stress more difficult to cope with.

Maintain good sleep habits

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that you can avoid caffeine, large meals, and alcohol before you sleep. Cultivate good sleep habits. Make sure that your bedroom is quiet, dark, and at a temperature that is comfortable before bedtime.

Research has shown that engaging in exercises during the day can help you easily fall asleep at night. You can also limit screen exposure before bedtime. Maintain a good sleep schedule and prioritize your sleep time.

Take breaks

Take breaks to engage in recreational activities. Don’t stress out. Those healthy recreational activities (It could be reading, writing, traveling, or other activities) that bring you joy, create time to engage in them.

Talk to a trusted friend about your feelings

Research shows that talking to a trusted friend about your feelings and concerns can help to cope with stress. So, when feeling stressed out, you can consider telling a friend how you feel. Kind words of encouragement from a trusted friend can help.

Seek medical help

When stress becomes overwhelming for you to cope with, it’s advisable to seek medical help. Consult your physician for medical advice on how you can effectively deal with stress.

Final thoughts

Dear reader, you may have bills to pay. You may need to meet your job target. You may have many responsibilities on your shoulder.

But please, don’t stress out.

One day at a time. You got this!

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Blessing Unukpo
In Fitness And In Health

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