The 10 Golden Rules of Getting and Staying Fit

Print these out and post them on your fridge

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

I’ve been involved with fitness for nearly 20 years.

Distance running, road biking, weightlifting. Yoga, pilates, spin. High reps and low reps. Rest pauses, drop sets, giant sets. Periodization and progressive overload. 5x5, GVT, HIIT. Intermittent fasting, IIFYM, keto. Personal training, coaching, consulting.

I’ve done them all.

Some worked well, some were complete dumpster fires. But I learned a lot from each and every experience.

Here are 10 golden rules to follow if you have any intention of getting and staying fit in the long term.

1. Drink more water

There’s a reason this one’s first.

Your heart and brain are nearly 75% water, your lungs nearly 85%. The human body in total is about 60% water.

You need water.

Water lubricates muscles and connective tissue, aids in digestion and boosts skin health. It regulates body temperature, improves organ function and boosts physical performance. I could go on, but you get the point.

Aim for 1 gallon of total water intake per day between food, other beverages and straight water.

