The 5 Benefits of the Squat

Why everyone should squat and how to utilize it to achieve your goals

Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash

I was recently texting my dad about my workout routine, and mentioned that I had done squats that day. His response was:

“Squats, the king of exercises!”

My dad knows a few things about lifting weights. His nickname is “Tank.” He’s been lifting weights his whole life and is the most muscular person I know in real life. He’s the one that got me into the gym, finally convincing me to join when I was 18 after asking me for years.

So what is it about squats that makes them “the king of exercises?”

Why we should squat

Squats have dozens of benefits, but I’ll mention the 5 main ones.

1. Strength and size

Ben Greenfield, health and fitness expert, explains,

“You need to do some serious squatting, which not only makes you hella strong, but also results in a potent release of strength and mass building hormones. One secret of mass gain among the bodybuilding crowd (in which I used to compete) was…



Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health

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