The 5 Habits That Helped Me Drop 20 Pounds and Counting

How I actually accomplished my year resolution

Josef Cruz
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: VectorStock

I never thought I’d be an after photo.

You know the ones I’m talking about — they’re probably invading your newsfeed and TV screen right about now, each one touting a different diet or workout routine that promises life-changing results that’ll get you “the body you’ve always dreamed of for your “best year yet.”

Don’t get me wrong; I’ve tried them all — sans eating all my meals in the nude while looking my reflection in the eye. In college, it was Weight Watchers, which I chased with some weird diet powder that was supposed to curb my appetite.

Post-college was the Metabolism Reset Diet, which eliminated all carbs for three months, then tabled off as a “low-carb lifestyle” diet. There was the 500-calorie diet I did a week before my cousin’s wedding, which left me on the brink of passing out during a yoga class.

To be fair, I saw some success with each of these methods and was even able to keep the weight off for a few months at a time here and there. But then something would derail me. The warm weather would set in, and my calendar would suddenly be packed with outdoor happy hours, and my low-carb diet and plans with the gym would get drowned out by margaritas.



Josef Cruz
In Fitness And In Health

Entrepreneur, coder, husband, father. I spend my days on the web learning and sharing information across the globe.