The 5 Products I Use to Alleviate Back Pain While Working from Home

Lifelines I keep on hand for long shifts in front of the computer screen.

Taylor Smart
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by NDABCREATIVITY via Adobe Stock

The world is fast-approaching our one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. This time last year, we bid adieu to our well-stocked, ergonomic offices as we prepared to work from home for what we thought would be a couple of weeks.

Now, here we are a year later, many of us working from childhood homes, kitchen counters, or a variety of other less-than-ideal workspaces. This long-term shift of our way of life has undoubtedly come with a lot of negative side effects, with back pain topping the charts as one of the biggest complaints doctors are hearing from their patients.

The uptick in back pain complaints comes as no surprise to those who are spending prolonged periods sitting or hunched over a desk. However, a major increase in anxiety is also to blame for new complaints.

The mind and the body are connected and it is well documented that psychological diagnoses such as depression and anxiety can make back pain stress worse. — Diana Kelly Levey

Essentially, it seems that no matter who you are, you may be experiencing more back pain and discomfort than usual these days. As someone who suffers from back pain…

