The 6–12–25 Workout Plan: Build Muscle and Crank Up Metabolism with This Unique Training Method

A complete 4-day-a-week workout plan for home or gym-goers

Sean Barker, CPT, PN2
In Fitness And In Health
6 min readSep 28, 2024


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The 6–12–25 workout method is an intense and effective training style that utilizes different rep ranges in one workout to improve strength, build muscle, and crank up metabolism.

Popularized by the late and renowned strength coach to pro athletes Charles Poliquin, this method structures each workout by performing
6 reps of a heavier, strength-focused movement, 12 reps of a moderate-weight, hypertrophy-focused exercise, and 25 reps of a lighter, endurance-based movement.

This high-intensity workout maintains muscle tension for extended periods, enhancing endurance and promoting lean muscle gains.

How the 6–12–25 Method Works

The beauty of this approach lies in its simplicity. Note that I mentioned it is simple but not easy. By performing exercises with different rep ranges, you effectively target a variety of muscle fibers.

The 6-rep range helps improve strength by recruiting fast-twitch fibers, the 12-rep range promotes muscle growth through continuous mechanical tension, and the 25-rep range targets slow-twitch…



In Fitness And In Health
In Fitness And In Health

Published in In Fitness And In Health

Medium’s largest collection of science-based and experience-backed insights for a fitter, healthier, and happier you.

Sean Barker, CPT, PN2
Sean Barker, CPT, PN2

Written by Sean Barker, CPT, PN2

Award-winning fitness coach and best-selling author of The Easy Eating Diet and cookbook. Apply for Online Custom FIT Coaching here:

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