The 7 Most Important Push-up Variations

#3 The Impossible Push-up

Jamie D Stacey
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

So, you do push-ups?

It’s known to some as the “perfect exercise” for incorporating the entire body, from arms to legs, front to back. It’s a true test of strength — and it comes in many forms.

“By adjusting the speed you perform a push-up, the angle of your body, and even hand placement, you can add more or less intensity, or focus on specific muscles,” Dr. Phillips, Harvard Medical School.

And as a push-up addict, I find there’s nothing like tapping into true strength than testing new ways, new forms, and new limits.

Whether it’s the diamond push-up (#1) to sculpt your triceps or the impossible push-up (#3) to test your resilience, true mastery of the push-up begins by embracing its many forms.

So, you do push-ups? Test yourself with these and take your push-up game to the next level.

Let’s train. Let’s do some push-ups.

#1 Triceps — Diamond Push-up

Most quickly progress to diamond (or “triangle”) push-ups after the classic vanilla push-up. It’s the “chocolate” for the triceps, placing greater focus on the arms for pushing back up.



Jamie D Stacey
In Fitness And In Health

Fitness | Parenting | Life | Father, personal trainer, yoga teacher, with a doctorate of philosophy. Sign up: