The Beginner’s Guide to The Bench Press

Your guide to benching effectively & confidently

Dylan Dacosta
In Fitness And In Health


Oh, the bench press. The measuring stick of every bro at the gym. I would be lying, if I didn’t admit I have also participated in the age old game of “how much ya bench bro?” during my lifting career.

Let’s be honest, benching is f*cking awesome. It’s the most emphasized lift in the gym that doesn’t directly train legs. Making it a staple amongst us meatheads.

It’s also one of the three lifts in the sport of powerlifting. Which consists of the squat, the deadlift and the good old bench press.

This article is going to be geared more towards our beginner and novice folks who want to learn more about the bench press and how they can develop their technique with this popular lift.

If you’re on the more advanced side of things or just want a much more thorough guide, I highly suggest The Definite Bench Press Guide by Greg Nuckols.

I am going to be breaking down the basic components of the bench press, which muscles are going to be trained, strategies to improve your bench press and accessory work to help bring up your potential weak links.

There will be video demos of certain movements and plenty of pictures too. Let’s get to it!



Dylan Dacosta
In Fitness And In Health

I am a personal trainer and online coach from Toronto, Ontario. If you like my writing, check out my website!