The Best Exercises To Build Muscle

Two words: compound movements

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit Sven Mieke on Unsplash

The body is a complex machine, comprised of many moving parts. Many muscles moving over many bones with the support of many tendons and ligaments. Many functional movements working together to produce many compound movements. Many compound movements creating the bodily motion systems responsible for maneuvering ourselves in so many unique and amazing ways.

When it comes to building muscle to strengthen these motion systems, not all exercises are created equal. We’re not interested in exercises that focus only on one muscle group. Exercises more concerned with pinpoint precision instead of a more wholistic approach.

We want exercises that work multiple muscle groups in one movement. That bend and manipulate the body at multiple points of flexion. Exercises that make us sweat, make us work, make us feel the struggle it takes to achieve our goal.

These are known as compound exercises.

Here are the three kings of the compound exercise kingdom.

Barbell Squats

Crown this bad boy the king of kings. The barbell squat is an absolute monster. It works virtually every muscle in your lower body, including quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves and feet. It requires assistance from many upper…

