The Cookie Jar Method: How to Get Through the Mental Plateaus of Your Weight Loss Goals

It’s sweeter when it’s homemade.

Sion Evans
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Mariah Hewines on Unsplash

It’s no surprise to know that there are times in life when we simply don’t want to answer our calling that day, to do the things we need to do in order to move one step closer to our goal only to end up not doing it.

It’s not because we don’t want it, it’s because we’re equally trying to unlearn years of bad habits we’ve forged, and replace them with ones that better fit the identity we want to create.

It’s easy to motivate ourselves in times when we’re feeling good when everything goes our way. However, the real test is in those moments where the sheer momentum of not wanting to follow through with our goals is at its loudest, where instant gratification is at its most tempting can true changes be made.

As much as we tell ourselves that it’s okay to revert to our old ways because it makes us feel comfortable, what we in fact really want at that moment is certainty.

We want certainty because it’s one of your most basic human needs, we want to feel secure and safe about where we are and where we’re going in life.

When we feel certain, it’s a resounding feedback that the path we’re taking is authentic and one we should…

