The Food Industry Thinks We’re Ignorant, but Are We?

We the consumers hold great power, but we must use it wisely

David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health


If you’ve ever read a headline that stated, “Chocolate is the best thing for your heart!” or “A plant-based diet is the solution to cancer!”, there’s much more than scientific data at play. I hope I’m not the first one to break it to you, but a hefty portion of the food industry doesn’t care about your health and wellbeing. Many of them are actively skewing ‘scientific results’ in the name of financial profit. What’s even more concerning is the sheer number of companies that are still getting away with these shenanigans, year after year.

As a kinesiologist and personal trainer, I receive an abundance of questions around emerging nutritional trends. Whether it’s inquiries about a link between yogurt and type 2 diabetes prevention, or the next ‘healthy’ calorie-free soda, I find myself giving the same response every single time…

We must take everything with a grain of salt.

The reality is, the majority of new research coming from the gigantic food companies has far more to do with marketing than science. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t trustworthy sources out there, they’ve just been clouded by the capitalism that’s seeping into the foods we eat.



David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back.