The Journey to a Leaner, Stronger, and More Confident Me

Lessons for life beyond fitness

Kashish Sukhija
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readApr 1, 2023


Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash

Looking back, a few months ago, I was content with my life. I was active, healthy, and fit. But deep down, I knew I had a goal in my mind — a vision of the lean, sculpted physique that I could achieve If I just put in the work.

It wasn’t a priority at that time, but the thought lingered in my mind, tempting me with its possibilities. That’s when I made the decision to achieve the physique I had always envisioned.

It’s been 10 weeks since I embarked on this journey, and I can proudly say that I am well on my way to achieving my goal.

As I continue on my journey towards my end goal, I’ve realized there are some key lessons that I learned along the way and can benefit anyone looking to make a positive change in their life.

Without further ado, let’s dive into these lessons. And just so you know, the fourth one happens to be my personal favorite.

1/ Recognize Your Potential

It’s natural for us to make excuses when it comes to achieving our goals.

You may tell yourselves that you’re too busy, too tired, or lack the necessary resources. It’s a common trap that we all fall into, but the truth is that if you really want something, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

I used to be just like that. I still remember the time when I thought I couldn't manage cooking meals, working a full-time job and achieving my other personal goals. But I refused to let my excuses hold me back, and I pushed myself to reach my full potential.

And you know what?

I surprised myself by managing it all and giving myself a well-deserved pat on the back and you can too.

So if you’re feeling stuck, remember that you have the potential to achieve great things. Don’t let excuses hold you back any longer. It’s time to unleash your potential and take that first step towards becoming a better version of yourself.

2/ Take One Day at a Time

One of the most valuable lessons I realized during my fitness journey was to focus on taking things one day at a time.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you have a clear end goal in mind and know the time and effort it will take to achieve it.

But, if you make it a habit of focusing on how you can win each day and consistently giving your best, you can avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed and stay on track.

Source: Making every day count with a habit tracker

And not to forget.

As you focus on each day, it’s important to take a step back and see the bigger picture from time to time, as this will help you ensure that you’re heading in the right direction.

3/ Routines are Powerful

Routines may sound dull, but they are powerful! They can help you:

  • Avoid decision fatigue
  • Stay in control of time
  • Build habits
  • Boost your mood
  • Be productive

Just like how my routine became my trusty companion, a routine can do the same for you. It might take some time and effort to establish a routine, but once you have it, it can be a game-changer in your daily life.

So, whether it’s a morning routine or an evening routine, incorporating some structure into your life can surprise you with how much more you can accomplish and how much better you feel.

4/ Your Goals Don’t Care

Yes, you heard it right.

Your goals don’t care about how you feel on any given day. They don’t care if you’re tired, having a bad day, or lacking motivation. All they care about is whether or not you’re taking action towards achieving them.

And it’s natural that you’ll not always feel motivated or energized and will have days where you just don’t feel like doing anything.

But what can you do about it?

You can choose to ignore your feelings and get the work done. Even if you don’t feel like it, showing up every day is the only way to make progress toward your goals.

I know it’s not easy, but it’s what it is. Your goals don’t care. But you have to care about your goals.

5/ Power of No

Saying no can be difficult, especially when you don’t want to disappoint others.

But remember, it’s your goal. You’re working hard for it, dieting hard, and nobody else is doing that for you. They don’t know the daily sacrifices you are making.

So, start saying “No” for yourself.

And the best part?

It doesn’t mess up things in any way. In fact, it can actually improve your relationships and communication with others by setting clear boundaries.


Here’s a summary of what we discussed:

  1. You have more potential than you think
  2. Take things one day at a time
  3. Establishing routines can be a game-changer in your daily life
  4. Your goals don’t care about how you feel. It’s up to you to take action toward them.
  5. Learn to say No.

Well, that’s it from me for now. I hope these were helpful to you. Oh, and stay tuned for my before and after pics — I promise they will be worth it!

Thanks for reading.



Kashish Sukhija
In Fitness And In Health

An aspiring minimalist with a penchant for fitness, productivity, and self-improvement.