The Keto Diet Is Stupid

The more complicated a diet, the more people need to rely on a “professional” that takes their money.

Daniel Hopper
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Diets set people up for failure. Especially a diet that is so complicated, cutting out many common food groups, that people don’t even know where to start.

Like Keto.

The most unsustainable diet in the world.

Hence, Keto is stupid.

The Problem With “Diets”

The first problem with diets is that they’re a short-term solution.

For example, if somebody goes on Keto, they’re so far removed from their usual diet and lifestyle.

They follow the strict advice of somebody.

Then, they don’t really learn anything about the calories. Diets don’t tend to teach us how to make better choices. So, people don’t learn how to tweak their current routine to become in a caloric deficit to keep losing weight in the long term.

These diets are so challenging to continue long-term that four out of five people will fail any diet.

You can’t live your life — it’s harder to dine out, travelling is a nightmare, it’s impossible to cater for your diet and keep the kids happy.



Daniel Hopper
In Fitness And In Health

A marketer and gym addict who shares their knowledge and passion of these things and more. | | Inquiries