The Last Fitness Advice You’ll Ever Need

Stop complicating it. It’s simpler than you think.

Jaivir Hans
In Fitness And In Health


Playing the cardio-addicted fool on my terrace.
Playing the cardio-addicted fool on my terrace.

Disclaimer: People have varied sets of goals with their health and fitness regimens, predicated on their stage of life and general, medical condition.

This article is not a blanket statement or a public manifesto claiming to solve all of your fitness woes and questions. It is merely the exoskeleton of the road-map you can stick to in an effort to maintain and steadily improve your fitness levels, inoculating your health in the process.

Because here’s the deal, friend: Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I am going to keep this short and bittersweet.

Ignoring the camp of hardcore fitness freaks and athletes who train with a quantifiable, and sometimes aesthetic goal in mind, the rest of us mere mortals are simply looking for ways to cut the fat around our bellies, shed the extra layer or two off of our thighs, and prevent the double-chin from rearing its head by the time we’re a year away from rolling up to our 35th birthdays.

The following three, repeatedly proven commandments of fitness and fat loss apply to this latter group, who also happen to be the majority representation.



Jaivir Hans
In Fitness And In Health

On an intrepid quest to discover the world through my words. Contact me if you’d like me to write something for you. Email: