The Missing Exercise Almost All Adults Leave Out As We Grow Older

And how to reclaim natural movements again

In Fitness And In Health


Photo by David Boca on Unsplash

Looking around the adults in your life, you’ll realize most of them have already stopped stretching altogether, and let’s not even talk about exercising.

Studies even show that adults’ mobility has decreased tremendously. Looking at 1 specific area of the body, the study found that:

Shoulder contribution to Flexindex (FLX) male’s score went from 13.9 % at 28 years of age to only 5.2 % at 85 years of age

This meant that their overall mobility has fallen gradually over time due to a couple of reasons:

  • Sticking in the same position for long periods
  • Inactivity leads to the tightening of muscles
  • Natural aging

But the good news is there are ways to slow down this drop in mobility and get back our body’s ability to work those natural movements again. And we can learn them just by looking at animals and children.

With their injury-avoidant joints and muscles, they are constantly on the move, greasing their joints, ensuring that their entire body is still flexible.

It’s only when humans stop moving much every day for a long period that the…



In Fitness And In Health

Top Writer in Health. I provide actionable insights on Functional Training, Mobility and Hybrid Training. Join my journey as a hybrid athlete!