The Only Morning Routine You Ever Need to Improve Posture and Avoid Back Pain

An exercise plan suitable for all levels to build core strength and improve spine health

Abhimanyu Bhargava
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Valeria Ushakova on Pexels

Recently, I wrote about how I recovered from a herniated (slipped) disc injury by following an exercise-based rehab program (without surgery). I can now do things most people my age can only imagine.

Over the years, I have experimented with various morning stretching routines. And after coaching 50+ people, most of them with busy lives, I’ve devised a workout routine that works wonders for almost everyone.

It is definitely not a 10 mins routine, as many influencers preach, but short enough for anyone to follow sustainably.

These exercises place a very low load on your spine, so you can do them daily to stretch and stabilize your entire core.

The best part is these exercises require no equipment and can be a great home workout routine.

1. Glutes Bridge

Your butt muscles, commonly called the glutes, play a crucial role in stabilizing your lower back while performing daily activities such as walking, running, or jumping.



Abhimanyu Bhargava
In Fitness And In Health

I write about health, fitness, self-improvement, life lessons, nutrition, careers, Crypto and NFTs. Here to empower you!