The Only Three Exercises You Need to Build the Perfect Back

Just these three have given me better results than tens of other exercises

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
6 min readFeb 22, 2021


Author’s Instagram

After falling prey to “eat big to get big”, almost killing myself trying to lose fat, and making a host of other mistakes, I started taking fitness seriously.

I switched up my training plan from a bro split to a PPL and started focusing on compound lifts and progressive overload. And well, my results exploded.

I made more gains in under a year than I had in the past 2–3 years. Interestingly, my back which I had always considered as one of my strongest points improved quite a bit too.

“The back is so complex that even with ten different isolation exercises, you wouldn’t be able to hit every muscle in it.”

My back, as you can see above is far from perfect but I still think it is impressive for a natural lifter. And the funny thing is that just 3 exercises have contributed the most to its development.

Every single teeny tiny bit of muscle in the back can be worked with these three compound movements. Moreover, the back is so complex that even with ten different isolation exercises, you wouldn’t be able to hit every…

