The Peloton Bike: Is It Worth The Hype?

Sonja Herrera
In Fitness And In Health
4 min readMay 28, 2020

This journey starts with me as a 5' 3" woman, who is 23 years old, and weighs 165lbs. You hear the story a million times of the mom who had kids, dealt severely with post-partum depression, lost their way, and felt terrible about themselves. That was me for a long time. And then one trip to Atlanta Georgia changed everything. In the shopping district in downtown Atlanta there is a mall, and in this mall there is a Peloton store.

Peloton Store Mall Front

Having previously never heard of Peloton, I was more than terrified when my friend who was at this same conference, convinced me to go with her to the store and workout on the bike. First of all, picture the woman described to you above, severely out of shape and most definitely lacking confidence, getting on a cycling bike (which I have never done before) and then riding it in front of all who walk the mall that day. Insane. I took her up on the offer and we did just that.

Robin Arzon lead instructor for Peloton

My first ride was the 30 minute Lizzo ride taught by Robin Arzon. A themed ride of all Lizzo music. Robin, who is intimidating to say the least. Fit, intelligent, motivating, you can tell she takes no crap from anyone. Filled the class with motivational sayings and commentary that had me distracted from the fact I was cycling at a mall. The bike is setup with a screen attached where you can view live classes or on demand classes ranging all lengths of time from 5 minute warm up rides to 90 minute climb rides. Immediately, I was impressed at the versatility of the classes offered. For someone like me who really needed beginner classes, they have entire programs dedicated to 4 weeks of beginner training. Proper form on how to ride the bike, what the metrics on the screen mean, and what to expect as you become more experienced.

Screen capture of metrics seen during each class

On the right of the screen you can see everyone who has taken the class, as well as, those currently taking it the same time as you. After I learned that you can virtually high-five those people, I went on a spree of sharing the high-fives and motivation. At the bottom of the screen I was able to see my resistance, which means how hard your road is, and my cadence how fast I am pedaling. It’s embarrassing to admit my first time metrics, however after this first class I was hooked. I spent the next 5 evenings of the conference at the Peloton store before flying back to Colorado.

Now you must understand, I had this Peloton experience without really telling my husband how much I truly loved it. Let’s not forget, the price tag is hefty. However, with great financing options and no late fees, Peloton tries to make their bike as affordable as it can be for those wishing to take the fitness journey. I got back home to Colorado and continued my normal routine, minus the Peloton bike. And then one afternoon I decided to buy the bike and it would be shipped to me a few weeks later. With an amazing setup team from Peloton they brought it in my apartment, adjusted the seat and handle bars to my height, set me up with a profile, and taught me how to clip in and clip out of the bike. Total set up and teaching time was about 30 minutes.

Peloton Setup at Home

Once the bike was in my home I began riding almost every day. I went straight into my own 30 day challenge, completed that. Began learning about HIIT and Tabata classes, completed those. Looked into climb rides, and of course, had to do those. I could not get enough. The instructors are what make this bike worth every penny. Someone on the screen who pushes you past what limits you thought you had. Some rides are very serious and you can feel the emotion when the instructors are relaying their personal stories as motivation, but some classes are like a nigh at the comedy club, so much laughter you get an ab workout too. No class is ever same, and every time you are only getting stronger.

I am nearing my 100th ride on Peloton, which they call the century ride. The instructors make it a big deal, and it is. Doing something 100 times for the betterment of yourself is incredible, and to say that I have grown mentally, physically, and spiritually from owning this bike is an understatement.



Sonja Herrera
In Fitness And In Health

Mom, Wife, Peloton Enthusiast, Avid Napper, and the list goes on and on. I write about honest experiences that have happened to me.