4 Great Fitness Synergies for Those Who Live Behind Their Computers

There are many benefits to becoming a fit nerd!

Schalk Cloete
In Fitness And In Health


Image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

What comes to mind when I mention the word “nerd”? Probably something along the lines of thick spectacles, braces, and acne, right? Certainly nothing related to fitness.

But the times they are a-changin' — now faster than ever. Nerd numbers are growing, and their constantly evolving, digitally connected consciousness is starting to recognize the benefits of fitness.

Indeed, fit nerds are becoming a thing. While image certainly plays a role (smart is nice, but smart and toned is awesome), another undervalued factor is emerging: the surprising degree of synergy between making a living from behind a computer and staying fit.

This article gives one fit nerd’s take on four of these beautiful synergies.

Synergy 1: The Nerd-Enhancing Power of Nature

Nerds are often pictured as pale creatures living in a dim basement surrounded by blinking lights, wires, and screens. Sure, some choose to operate this way, but many are realizing that this environment actually hampers their digital ambitions.

Getting outside a couple of times a day — especially if it involves sunlight and some…

