The “Quasi-Keto” Diet: How I Benefit From Keto Without Going Into Ketosis

It’s possible to adapt keto to suit your fitness goals and preferences

Corrie Alexander
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Nicola Barts from Pexels

As a rule, I am not a fan of strict fad diets because they aren’t sustainable or necessary for most people. The keto diet is no exception. However, over the past year, I’ve added several keto recipes to my menu because they still have some beneficial qualities that help me reach my fitness goals.

The difference is that I don’t follow it strictly, only for half of the day. And although I never enter ketosis — the primary goal of the keto diet — I’ve still been enjoying many other perks.

To be clear, I am not a nutritionist or dietitian. I have a personal training certification that gives a high-level overview of nutrition. However, I’ve studied the subject, and this approach has been working for me.

Always make sure you check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

How Keto Works

Before I get into my adapted version of keto, you might be wondering what the keto diet is and how it works.

It begins with glucose, which is blood sugar. Glucose is your body’s preferred energy source that you get from eating carbohydrates like bread…

