The Real Cure for Elbow Pain Is Not What You Expect

These simple rehab exercises are going right under your radar!

David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health


Image from Krizalid Daza on Pexels

It’s virtually impossible to blame one muscle for elbow pain. This complex phenomenon involves many tissues around the wrist, forearm, and arm. Just think about the diverse ways you recruit your elbow throughout the day. It could be as simple as opening the door to as extreme as playing tennis for hours on end. No matter what activities are causing you pain, one thing is for sure: the best elbow rehab results come when you include the whole arm.

Today I want to introduce 3 clever free-weight exercises you can begin doing to expose weaknesses and imbalances in this region. These are all fun modifications of the bicep curl movement, allowing you to go beyond the simple act of flexing and extending your arm. I’ve been prescribing these movements for years and the results are truly astounding. As long as you focus on form and progress slowly, you too can wave goodbye to elbow pain and develop a more robust upper body.

Let’s dive in!

Find Your Breakthrough in Elbow Pain Today

Before we get started, please be aware that the exercises below come with various risks. If you have any major localized injuries or chronic conditions, talk…



David Liira, Kin.
In Fitness And In Health

Kinesiologist. Writing on health and the human condition. Clap and I clap back.