How to get six-pack abs in your 50’s

Your fitness journey starts with a single step

Carl L Lane
In Fitness And In Health


Exactly one month before my 54th birthday

Ifind it inspiring to see other people who are in better shape than me, and there are plenty, so I’m a member of several fitness groups on social media. I follow a lot of fitness models, trainers and bodybuilders. Maybe the most common question that I see in the posts by other members of fitness groups is, “How can I lose fat so that my abs are visible?”

Most people want to know about some super workout routine or two-week fast that will “fix” their bodies. When I answer or when someone asks me the question directly in the comments of one of my own posts, I always tell them that there is no secret.

I grew up as a skinny kid who was cursed with a pot belly and basically no muscle anywhere. I came from a poor neighborhood and in the days before YouTube and Instagram, the way you got fitness and nutrition tips was by buying bodybuilding and fitness magazines. Obviously, I never had the money for magazines.

Today, there are tons of trainers, nutritionists, and bodybuilders on social media giving out fitness and nutrition tips for free as they work to build their brands and social media presence. In the ten years or so that I have been working out, I’ve never had a personal trainer. I’ve gotten lots of training and nutrition tips…



Carl L Lane
In Fitness And In Health

English degree, published author of fiction and nonfiction, certified sommelier, fitness enthusiast, and someone who cares deeply about the world we live in.