The Simplest Hack to Realizing Happiness

Steps to instantly gain happiness

Siddhant Rishi Prabhakar
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readMar 8, 2021


What is that all of us seek in life? What is it that matters most to each and every person on this planet? What is core to being human?

These are big questions; however, they all have a one-word answer — happiness. Happiness is one of the world’s simplest concepts, yet millions of us long for our share of happy moments. The key to living a good life is to empower happiness. Ironically, the key to happiness is to live life to the fullest in the moment.

Photo by Stan B on Unsplash

In life, various events come and go. They are a part of the life experience. Some events are helpful, some not that much, some events are positive, and some events not at all. Within these events, we act to find happiness. All that we do, preach, and create is to feel the abstractness of joy and happiness.

No medicine cures what happiness cannot. ~Gabriel García Márquez

Through the complexities of life and societal conditioning, we are taught that happiness is achieved through materialism — that if we have a particular lifestyle, a particular job, or a particular portfolio only can we be happy in life. This is false. For years together, we are part of a rat race. Where does this rat race take us to? It traps us in an infinite loop. Often, we realise this rat race; we pause and reconfigure our lives in bits and pieces to accommodate the heart’s calling.

The heart’s actual calling is to be happy, regardless of what is going on in the external world. So, where and how do we find happiness in life? Happiness is found in the now. Not in the past, nor in the future; it is in the present. Hence, happiness or joy is not even found, its realized.

And how to be in the present? To be in the present is to be aware.
There are many ways or tools or methodologies through which one can improve their awareness. Some examples include journaling, mediation, yoga, pranayama, deep breathing etc.

Personally, I love all the above tools to improve my being. However, here is one of the simplest and most recent tools that I discovered a couple days ago while browsing through Instagram. The below video is a short clip that instantaneously brings happiness to me. The video is of dogs wagging their tails and dancing around in happiness. Whenever I watch this video, I instantly feel better and happier.

A couple days back, while laying on my bed getting ready to sleep, I remembered this “song”, next I began humming it. Within the next minute, I started saying “happy, happy, happy, happy…” to myself aloud. And believe me, this was the happiest and most joyous moment that I had that day. To date, whenever I recall this incident, I smile and become happy.

My Simple Happiness Hack: Keep saying “Happy” to yourself over and over again. Notice how your mood is instantly alleviated.

Some might think of this as stupid. However, the easiest way to become happy is to say I am happy. It works wonders. Happiness is simple; make it easily accessible to you. Use my simple happiness hack, or create one for yourself. This is one way to realize happiness, there are many more. Find your calling. We are here to live a happy life. Let us realize and actualize the same through this soft, easy and simple happiness hack!

Stay Happy, Stay Lively, Stay Safe, and Keep Smiling.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

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In Fitness And In Health

Published in In Fitness And In Health

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Siddhant Rishi Prabhakar
Siddhant Rishi Prabhakar

Written by Siddhant Rishi Prabhakar

MetaConscious Venturer | Director | Social Entrepreneur | Skilful Orator | Author