The Supplement Industry is the Best Scam We Were Ever Sold

Congratulations, you have very expensive pee.

Scott Mayer
In Fitness And In Health


Credit: Ready Made on Pexels

“There’s a pill for that.”

Actually, there are a sh*tload of pills. Roughly 90,000 different dietary supplements are stocked on U.S. shelves making up a $30 billion industry, says the Journal of Nutrition.

It’s just too bad most of them are worthless.

According to Dr. Jalili of the University of Utah Department of Nutrition, the majority of supplements have little effect on your health and simply pass through your body.

Congratulations, you have very expensive pee.

The marketing machine at work

The research on supplements is hazy at best. There are very few reliable, repeatable, and conclusive studies available and the ones that are often make contradictory claims. So why are supplements synonymous with health?

This is the marketing machine at its finest.

Supplement companies spend millions of dollars developing their products and millions more marketing those products. But it isn’t the size and scale of their operation that drives success, it’s the brilliance of their message.

