Mistake 1 — doing stupid stuff like this. Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

The Top 10 Mistakes People Make in the Gym

Beginner or advanced, avoid injury and wasting your time

Pete Williams
7 min readMay 14, 2021


I’ve been training for almost 15 years at the gym now, and I’ve seen it all. I’ve trained at powerlifting gyms, strongman gyms, 24 hour gyms, beautiful people gyms (where I felt incredibly out of place) and military gyms. Different gyms, same mistakes. Some of these are pertinent for beginners, others you’ll find seasoned vets doing. Here we go.

Focusing on numbers rather than technique

From the beginner just trying to get buff, to the powerlifter trying to hit bigger numbers and everything in between, this is a cardinal sin committed by many. It’s a human thing to do, chasing the next number, and in the gym the next number is a bigger weight for you to lift. Bigger numbers equals stronger equals greater feelings of accomplishment.

Then injury strikes.

Technique is the number one thing you should be focusing on in the gym, because making that your priority means you’ll more likely than not stay injury free. On top of that, mobility is super important. If you can’t get to full squat depth, then there’s no reason for you to be adding weight to the bar. In fact, if you can’t even make the full range of motion for an exercise, you should make that your…

