The Top 10 Most Entertaining People at My Gym Right Now

Bringing laughter and life lessons to my workouts

In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

Sometimes I wear headphones at the gym and zone into my movements, but other times I go without and take in my surroundings. My husband and I workout 4 to 5 times per week and have gotten pretty familiar with the 7 am crowd. Most people are what you’d call typical gym-goers. Some spend their time on cardio machines, while others hit the weights.

But a select group of people have stuck out — their tendencies and routines are unlike others. They provide more entertainment than I could hope for during a casual morning workout. Aside from some laughs, they’ve also taught me a thing or two.

Meet the Squad

Our morning workouts wouldn’t be the same without these personalities. The confidence, uniqueness, and physical abilities of this tribe are impressive. Here’s a little about each of them.

10. She who overcomes obstacles

This woman appears to be in her mid-40s, but must have been a track star back in the day. She starts her treadmill workout with a casual jog, increasing the speed until she’s at a steady run. She then mixes it up with interval training of sprints with full on hurdle form. Step, step, step, HURDLE



In Fitness And In Health

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