The Top 4 Best Back Squat Alternatives

If you’re bored of the squat try these out instead

Josh O'Neill
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash

I’m a huge fan of the squat. When I first started lifting weights at 17, I gravitated to this lift due to my naturally strong lower body. The movement felt easy and smooth in the same way other lifters prefer the bench or overhead press.

But what if you really don't enjoy back squatting and the pressure it puts on your lower back?

Good news! There are numerous options for you to maximise your leg gains without forcing yourself through the misery of having a heavy barbell on your back.

Back squats target your quads, glutes and hip flexors so the exercises listed below are alternatives to targeting and building these muscle groups.

1. Barbell Front Squat

Muscle targeted — Quads

While this move still requires the use of a barbell, the weight required is significantly lighter plus there’s less focus on the lower back. This is because the bar is in front of you and directly over your heels.

When you back squat, however, you need to activate your lower back (how much depends on your height) to get the bar in line with your heels as part of the eccentric phase of the lift. This leads to control…



Josh O'Neill
In Fitness And In Health

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