The Vagus Nerve

If you only learn one nerve, let it be this one

Christine Carr
In Fitness And In Health


Istock images credit: VectorMine

The Vagus nerve has gotten a lot of press over the last several years. Medical researchers have discovered that stimulating this nerve has the potential to lower blood pressure, reduce pain, improve immunity and more. Neurologists, yogis and mental health professionals are also discovering the unique role this nerve may have in our ability to communicate, regulate our nervous systems and feel safe in the world.

Can one nerve do all that?

Your nervous system

Your vagus nerve is the main messenger for your Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). Your PNS is the rest-and-digest system. It regulates your heart rate, breath rate and enables you to digest and eliminate your food. In emergency situations, it slows down your organs to conserve energy and keep you alive.

Your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) is your fight-or-flight system. When under threat, you activate this system to run, defend yourself, and survive. When not under threat, you use this system to play, exercise or to move.

You need both systems to function together and effectively to maintain homeostasis and stay healthy.

Your vagus nerve



Christine Carr
In Fitness And In Health

I am a physical therapist by trade, a yoga therapist by desire and a human by default. I write about what interests me — the body, yoga and life.