The World’s (Almost) Happiest People Are Eating This For Lunch

Day in, day out.

Melissa Frost
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Sara Melissa Frost

You might wonder: Why? Why eat this, every single day?

The Norwegian tradition for this meal, called packed lunch goes way back. A slice or two of whole wheat bread, with cheese, jam, or liver paste topping it.


This lunch actually originates from a breakfast initiative named The Oslo Breakfast, which started in the early 1930s. At this time, Norway was not a wealthy country, and there was a lot of poverty in the country and its capital. The Oslo Breakfast was a program run by the government that provided a free meal to school children.

Most of the time the ingredients included the following:

  • Two slices of whole wheat bread spread with margarine
  • A slice of cheese
  • Half a pint of milk
  • Half an apple and half an orange

Nothing more, nothing less. Same food, day in, day out. Kids were grateful for the meal provided to them.

Health benefits

This plain and simplistic meal turned out to have some health benefits. The improvement of school children’s physical health was thoroughly documented during the time the…



Melissa Frost
In Fitness And In Health

Journalist. Mom. Wife. Norwegian in the U.S. Minimalist-ish.