These 2 Habits Are Destroying Your Health and Appearance

Stick with them for maximum benefits

Ayush Jha
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readNov 6, 2022


Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

Habits are a foundation for a healthy life.

If you are inconsistent with your routines, then it’ll have a very bad effect on your well-being.

When I came across these tips, I ignored most of the advice because of my social media addiction.

It wasn’t until I started applying these pieces of advice to my life that it changed my health and appearance completely.

I want you to stop making these mistakes to enhance your health and life quality.

Not Washing Face Twice

Well, you’ve heard that before, but have you followed it? Do you wash your face twice daily with a face wash suitable for your skin type?

Most people are lazy with their skincare routine. Heck, they don’t even have a routine.

They wake up and either skip the shower or wash their face with a crappy old bar of soap. They go to sleep without even washing the dirt gathered during the day.

Well, let me tell you that all skin issues start with an inconsistent face-washing routine.

Face washing twice a day avoids problems like clogged pores and frequent breakouts.

I used to have too much acne and tried random products from the market which made it worse.

I thought that face washes are scams. Little did I know ingredients matter a lot and so does skin type.

After trial and error, I found the right one and it made a huge difference. My acne vanished and my skin tone got even. Hell, even blackheads disappeared.

I recommend you do the same. Try out different cleansers and face washes until you find the one, and then stick with it.

Don’t make the mistake of skipping washing your face twice a day, treat your skin with proper care.

Get a face wash with appropriate ingredients with the help of a dermatologist. Your skin will thank you later and you’ll look much younger than your peers.

Occasional Workouts

Another mistake is buying a membership to a gym and then not working out.

Some people will try to tell you that an occasional workout is better than no workout at all.

I say bullshit. The biggest reason you won’t see any progress at all is the lack of consistency.

I was skinny for years until I started working out consistently and never ever skipped a workout. It was the main lesson from the progress I made.

If you are short of time, then follow a workout program that consists of 3 workouts a week. Each of them should take no more than 45 minutes.

The majority of people either don’t follow a program or follow one with 5 workouts per week and then only go 2–3 times.

The key is not to go to the gym every day, but instead, to follow a specific plan.

Skipping workouts is not only bad for your fitness goals but also your health.

Modern jobs are sedentary, and lack of exercise can create many body pain and problems.

Most of us are sitting at desks for hours. During working hours stand up whenever possible and move your body for a few minutes.

Add walking and basic stretching to your daily routine to avoid future problems.

Final Words

The best thing I ever did for myself is form habits. I know it’s hard in the beginning, but if you overcome the initial phase then it becomes an automated process.

Healthy people have healthy habits. They avoid anything that can have a bad effect on their well-being.

Build healthy habits. Be wholesome and look good.

Thank you for reading

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Ayush Jha
In Fitness And In Health

The Digital Writer | I write about health and personal development - | Contact for writing gigs -