This 2-Step Approach to Eating Less Junk Food Works

Are you willing to try it?

Kristie Leong M.D.
In Fitness And In Health


Image by by Nikadore

Does this sound familiar? You commit to making healthier food choices and eating less junk food. You do it for a day or two but by the third day, you find yourself seated in a cozy chair in the living room snacking on a plate of brownies.

Once you eat that plate of brownies, you feel like such a failure that you go back to your old junk food eating habits. You might even feel like you have no control over your cravings and that you’re destined to have a sweet tooth the rest of your life.

Why is it so hard to give up junk food and make smarter eating choices?

You know your health depends upon it and you manage to do it for a while, only to give up in frustration. It goes to show we’re all human and that junk food is part of life and SO convenient. Plus, the more junk food you eat, the more our bodies crave it.

Why is the desire to eat junk food so strong and why is it so hard to break up with it? I’ve discovered that making two changes can help reduce the desire to eat junk food. This approach has worked for other people and patients I’ve talked to who struggled to get over junk food cravings. Let’s look at each one.



Kristie Leong M.D.
In Fitness And In Health

Family physician who believes proper nutrition for optimal health & disease prevention.